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Hello World

Updated: at 04:03 PM

Welcome to my blog. Here is where I will discuss all of my personal interests, learnings and random thoughts in an effort to externalize my creative efforts.

I hope this can become a collection of anecdotes that will be high value to the reader.

My Interests


This is not only my career, but also something I am learning to love doing in my spare time. I work primarily in C++, but I have tinkered in all kinds of languages and frameworks.

Part of my interest in building this blog was to hold myself accountable to learning some fundamentals that I might have missed during my education. I hope I can document those learnings here.

Also fair warning, I love using VIM, especially because it provides a seemingly never-ending opportunity for improving my most used means of interfacing with a computer, text entry.


I read about a book a week with the goal to improve my mind. Wellness of all dimensions is very important to me, especially of the mind, as it is the core the human experience.

I will recommend my favorites here, as well as some insights I have gained from past reads.

My goodreads is here if you are interested in my reviews.


One of my first jobs was a line cook at a local restaurant. The name of this blog was heavily inspired by my experience working within the Sisyphean struggle of a nightly food service.

I hope to share my personal learnings from some of my favorite food creators, as getting good a cooking is great for many social, financial and health reasons in my experience.


I have a large collection of board games and a pretty significant steam library. I love how stories can be told and complex systems can be created.

I am big fan of deck-builders, indie games and the unique social experiences that new mechanics/systems can invoke. I also aspire to one day publish my own board game.

I have however experienced tension between games and my creative ambitions, which I may also elaborate on in the future.


I have many other hobbies including Music, Fitness, Keyboards and Gardening, but I am not sure if I will write about these things. I am also recognizing that my wide variety of interests have been a source of distraction from delving deeply into my “main” hobbies.

Perhaps by focusing on the above four, I can go a bit deeper than I might by writing about anything/everything, but variety is the spice of life 😉.

Final Thoughts

I hope you can find something useful that I write here, but this is primarily for me. I want to fall in love with the process of being a creative.

I love Steve Jobs quote “Real artists ship”. I made a (bad) habit of living in the abstract, toying with various creative projects and ideas while letting perfection prevent me from turning those into concrete deliverables.

I hope by broadcasting these ideas into the void of the internet, I might begin to put pen to paper so to speak and find fulfillment in the present.